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Welcome to my site! Please feel free to look around, hear some sounds and find out where I'll be playing next...

Message and Music: What's New...  

On May 15th, 2022 I had the opportunity to deliver my fourth "message and music"  for the community at Center for Spiritual Living Nashville. The talk was "Sacred Ecology", accompanied by three original songs and a cover of Gabe Dixon's “All Will Be Well”. If I can play some part in changing hearts and minds by sharing what I've learned through the ongoing process of my own transformation, that will be enough. When the path reveals itself, ya' gotta follow. 

More fun in Belize!! 

In December of 2021, we spent 3 weeks in Belize with dear friends there. Played with friends Ed Taft on bass and Cyril Hannah on percussion at a couple favorite hangouts for locals and tourists. So FUN! Let's see... go to a tropical paradise, spend time with friends, make music, have fun and get paid... yeah, I'll take it!!


3rd "Sermon and Song" on Feb. 6th a great success!! 

Having the opportunity to share both the music and message at my spiritual center continues to be an amazing growth experience for me!! This past Sunday, Feb. 6th was no exception. I also had two of my favorite people and top-notch vocalists, Gregory Fisher and Raven Barrientos, singing with me on several songs, and esp. on "Glory" from the movie "Selma", where I got to work my rap skills a bit on Common's words of wisdom in support of the fight for racial justice and equality. 

I look forward to being back on May 15th! 


Sermon and Song: My Big Debut!! 

This past Sunday, June 6th, 2021, I had the tremendous honor of being the guest speaker AND musical artist at Center for Spiritual Living Nashville!! Preparing for this was truly a "labor of love" in every respect, and the work paid off. I felt relaxed and confident, and was able to deliver a heartfelt message, while also enjoying performing with my favorite musicians anywhere! I'm grateful for this loving community, and for the lessons learned which have brought me to this point, of finding peace and fulfillment from within and continuing to grow as a messenger for the causes and values I believe in. So blessed!! 

Members Area Created, Custom Song Page Coming Soon! 

I finally got the Subscription / Membership Area created on my website, so pretty happy about that! And huge thanks to those of you who've subscribed. I'm looking forward to the very first private, VIP livestream next Friday, 7pm CT! A page for my "Custom Songs" is coming soon. If you would like to order an incredibly special, professionally crafted and recorded personalized song as a gift for someone you know, or for any occasion, please contact me. It's what I love to do!

Excited to be sharing music once again with my spiritual family at CSLN on June 21st, 2020!! 

June 16th, 2020

These past few months have been more than challenging for all of us in a number of ways. And for some, they've been downright impossible. From a devastating series of tornadoes here in Tennessee in early March that took 25 lives and tore a path of destruction through parts of Davidson, Wilson, Smith and Putnam Counties, to a global virus outbreak that has caused so much suffering, loss, and economic despair as schools and businesses were forced to shutter their doors for the safety of all, to the social unrest and call for justice from people everywhere following the murder of an unarmed black man, once again, at the hands of police officers whose job it is to protect our citizens. To say the events of recent months have been a test of our mental, emotional and physical fortitude would be an understatement. But through it all, we've also seen examples of amazing heroism and courage, solidarity and kindness, and a determination to rise above pain and adversity and find the good within ourselves and each other, again and again. Even Mother Earth got a bit of a much-needed reprieve as the COVID pandemic has slowed down the continual onslaught of industrial pollutants and the burning of fossil fuels, at least for a little while.

Another change that has occurred is with the leadership at our beloved spiritual home, Center for Spiritual Living Nashville. It is with a sense of peace, happiness and anticipation that we embark on a new path, stronger and wiser for the experiences of the last two years. I'm honored to take part in providing music for the virtual service on Sunday, June 21st, at 11am. I got to go to the amazing "Stagepost Studios" video production facility and tape a couple songs today for that service. Everyone there was so kind and easy to work with. They made it really fun and relaxed, so THANK YOU for that!

I know they say it's darkest just before the dawn, and that darkness can really put us to the test. But I'm also excited and filled with hope for what the future holds for all of us. New opportunities, new insights and new ways of doing things abound. Let's embrace them.

LIVE with host Drew Laney on WRFN today!!  

Listen to a live interview I did TODAY, Tuesday, Jan. 27th, 2020, from 3-4pm with the lovely Drew Laney on "Radio Free Nashville" in Pasquo, TN (103.7 and 107.1 FM). Amazing how quickly an hour goes when you're having fun!! Just having a nice conversation and playing a few songs. There is a symphonic piece that comes in during my last song, which makes for an unusual sonic experience, BUT... it's pretty straightforward up to that point!

Science and Climate March returns to Nashville on May 4th 

It seems odd to still be living in an era in which rallies and marches to show our support for science and urgent pleas for our elected officials, citizens and business leaders to address the need for meaningful action on climate change is the norm. But, nonetheless, here we are. We will meet in Public Square on Sat., May 4th at 10am. Hope to see you there!

"Reckless Abandon" released, #16 on Folk chart for August 

"Reckless Abandon", a collection of 11 original songs, drawing on both contemporary and traditional influences and recorded in a stripped-down, acoustic format, has finally made it's way into the world-at-large. Released on August 1st, it has begun to gain attention at Folk radio, making the #16 album, #21 song ("Ordinary Miracles") and #22 artist on the charts for it's debut month. Off to a great start! The album and individual songs are available on this site for listening and download, and will be soon be made available on all major internet downloading and streaming sites.


News, shows in your area, etc..

Previous events

I'm excited to share the music and message at Center for Spiritual Living Nashville once again! My talk is entitled "Sacred Ecology", and the synopsis is as follows: "Our earth mother Gaia is a living, breathing, highly intelligent and self-organizing system. We are all connected to the earth with every cell in our body. This is a modern scientific revelation, an ancient wisdom, and a miraculous wonder. In light of the existential challenges created by the failure of our modern society to understand and apply this knowledge on a deep level until now— it is also a grave responsibility. Let's explore how we might become active participants in healing our world."

Please join us live at 6705 Charlotte Ave. in Nashville, or online at

Folk Nashville Connections

 — (CDT, UTC-05) — (CDT, UTC-05)


Very much looking forward to joining my awesome Nashville friends and fellow activists and artists Nell Levin, Michael August, and Brant Miller to share some songs and stories! Hope you can join us!!

Shadows Ignited

Southminster Presbyterian Church, 643 Harding Place, Nashville, TN 37211

HELP SUPPORT VICTIMS ND SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE Get your tickets before it's too late! Tickets for private virtual live stream available!

Often victims and survivors of sexual and domestic violence attempt to hide their experience in the shadows. We want people to know that they are not alone, that we believe them and that they do not have to hide their trauma. Shadows Ignited is a combination of music, poetry, dance, monologues and dramatic performances aimed at giving victims and survivors of sexual violence a creative outlet to share their stories in ways they are comfortable. The poems, monologues and theater pieces have all been written by clients of Silent NO Longer Tennessee. Proceeds from ticket sales go to providing creative expression programs such as poetry, drama, painting and other artistic ways. COVID PRECAUTIONS: A digital temperature check will done prior to entering the building. If you are running a fever, you will be not allowed into the building. All attending the performance must wear a mask at all times. Removal of masks during the performance will result in your removal. If you are removed, no refunds will be issued.

Silent No Longer Tennessee is a grassroots organization of sexual assault survivors and allies dedicated to helping those in our committees who have also been touched by sexual violence. Our mission is to support, empower and advocate for sexual assault survivors through the creation of safe spaces for victims and survivors to share their stories in creative ways, to provide victims, survivors, allies and advocates the skills required to organize and advocate for themselves and others, and to dismantle stereotypes and erode the systemic causes of sexual violence through awareness, education and the legislative process.

On Febraury 6th, 11am CST, I once again have the incredible honor of being the guest speaker AND artist at Center for Spiritual Living Nashville!! Although I've performed there many times, this will be my third talk. Being able to share some of what I've learned along my own spiritual path means so much to me, it's hard to express in words.

You can always join us from wherever you are, for the livestream of the service at If you can't tune in at that time, the service is archived on CSLN's YouTube channel (above) and can be viewed at your convenience. Or, if you're local to Nashville, TN, come on over to 6705 Charlotte Ave. and check us out in person. Due to Covid, of course, masks are required in the building at this time.

It's a wonderful community and a wonderful spiritual teaching. Hope you can join us!!

Returning once again to deliver the music and message at CSLN. So blessed to have this opportunity and this community! Join us live at 6705 Charlotte Pike, Nashville or watch the livestream at Services are archived on the site as well. (Check out service from June 6th HERE:


It's always an honor to perform at my spiritual center, but it's an INCREDIBLE honor to perform AND get to share the message for this Sunday!! I will be speaking on how we move from the "Story of Separation" to the "Story of Interbeing". I hope you can join us, 11am CT LIVE at 6705 Charlotte Like in Nashville, TN or online at

Another fun and inspiring Sunday at Center for Spiritual Living Nashville, with my friend Rique and the CSLN house band, sharing a song we co-wrote as well as several others. Reverend Ray Wiggins (aka "Papa Ray") will be speaking. Join us for the livestream at, or show up in person at 6705 Charlotte Ave., Nashville, 37209.

Special guest @ CSLN

Center for Spiritual Living Nashville, 6705 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN

Joining the awesome house band at Center for Spiritual Living Nashville again this Sunday, 11am. The equally awesome Gregory Fisher will be giving the message; "Don't make assumptions", one of "The Four Agreements" from Don Miguel Ruiz's timeless classic book - a must-have for anyone on the path toward spiritual growth. Catch us live at 11am:

TIPL (Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light) Virtual Holiday Party

Zoom Gathering

This Sunday afternoon, Dec. 6th, from 3-5pm CT or 4-6pm ET, Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light is hosting their annual holiday party and fundraiser - online, of course! Lots of great music, poetry and readings, a silent auction, and much more. I'm honored to be performing a couple songs toward the beginning of the meeting. I love this organization and support their work in promoting more earth-friendly and sustainable practices within faith-based organizations. If you wish to join the fun, you can register here:


CSLN Featured Performer

Center for Spiritual Living Nashville, 6705 Charlotte Pike, Nashville

Always excited to play with my friends at the Center for Spiritual Living Nashville. Service is open with limited seating. You must wear a mask and have your temperature checked as you come in. Virtual service is also available online on the CSLN YouTube channel, at


I am honored to take part in providing music for the virtual service on Sunday, June 21st, at 11am, which can be viewed on their FB page at: I got to go to Reverend Lynn Bennett's amazing "Stagepost Studios" video production facility and tape a couple of my songs today. Everyone there was so kind and easy to work with. They made it really fun and relaxed, made me feel right at home - so THANK YOU for that, you awesome, beautiful people!