This song was written for a dear friend who passed, as a memorial and tribute to her beautiful spirit. Fly high, sweet Sarah (aka "Butterfly")


Song for Butterfly / Susan Shann /  2021

A woman of many faces, a child of many names
A daughter of earthly graces, with a mother’s joy and pain
You knew the ways of magic, and called them all your own
With a strong and gentle spirit, like no one I’d ever known
I know you’re out there dancing in the sky
Sweet Butterfly

You loved music and poetry, treasured friends and family
Shared a smile with all who came your way – the lucky souls like me
You had a special kind of wisdom, medicine wheels and the sacred drum
With a deeper kind of vision, communed with the ancient ones
I know you’re holding council in the stars tonight
Sweet Butterfly

I’ve got a feeling we’ll meet again someday
‘Cause I know you love this life too much to stay away

‘Til then in the sound of laughter, in the call of a woodland owl
The silk wings of a mountain raptor, full moon and the grey wolf’s howl
Sometimes when a soul goes traveling, they’re never really gone
Like a whisper on the wind, like a line in your favorite song
So I’ll just say ‘til next time, and not goodbye
You know, I’m thankful for the way you touched my life
Sweet Butterfly
Sweet Butterfly
Sweet Butterfly